Abdominoplasty Archives - Dr. Milan Doshi


November 23, 2015
Circumferential tummy tuck procedure mumbai India

Tummy Tuck Surgeries Success Formula DE codified

A circumferential tummy tuck is an extensive surgery and is performed on people who have recently lost a lot of weight and now have loose, overhanging skin around […]
October 6, 2014

Tummy Tuck cost is a Testing Figure

“God another Jeans bites the dust” exclaimed one more person thinking how his/her belly became anoverstuffed box. Well i guess another hole in belt is in […]
April 2, 2013
Post-Op Recovery | Liposuction Recovery time in Mumbai, India

Liposuction Recovery

The best thing to do for liposuction recovery is take it easy, and get lots of rest. This doesn’t mean to spend all your time in […]
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