You don’t have to be medical prodigy to understand buttock is not an ideal location for implants and hence when you think of long term buttock think about how on regular basis this region of our body takes lot of pressure. It’s a risky place for implant as with pressure position might get shift and give funny look to the region which you want to be attractive, and with disposition there is a risk of infection at the region of the body where bacteria count is high. Removal of implants is also tricky. Buttock implants are hard, not soft which is how buttock should be. Brazilian Buttock lift is designed so you wouldn’t face such issues.
Procedure is performed by extracting fat from donor region i.e. certain region of patient’s body. Thigh and abdomen are common are of extraction. Fat which is extracted is then purified to warrant that the fat is concentrated and of high quality. Injection of fat process is then followed which solely depends on the surgeon and there are more than hundreds of method. Area of injection is obliviously patient’s buttock region.
Patients can decide curve and size of their buttocks as long as there’s enough fat in your body to inject in your buttock region. Individual must realise that amount of fat injection is not important, and if patient is unhappy then after certain period more fat could also get injected. Remember good doctor would need only one surgery to provide you with the result you desire, and hence it’s important to choose surgeon who is qualified and experience in performing Brazilian buttock lift procedure. Individual must follow the given guidelines by surgeons to maintain the result achieved by the procedure.
Mumbai is becoming a global hotspot for individual looking for cosmetic surgery, and the biggest reason behind this is low price compare to rest of Europe and America without compromising on quality of care and treatment. Alluremedspa is becoming a familiar name all over the globe for cosmetic need. Co-founded by Celebrity Cosmetic Surgeon, Dr.Milan Doshi who is also medical head here is known for providing world class facility and end result is always sexy looking buttock.
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